
Verifiable Multi-Exponentiation and Multi-Scalar Multiplication (MSM)

Lattice-Based Proof Systems

Circle STARKs: Part II, Circles

Projects That Shaped Modern zkVMs — Part 1

Publicly Verifiable & Private Collaborative ML Model Training


特稿 | “矛”与“盾”的较量——西安电子科技大学密码学科发展侧记

Known Attacks On Elliptic Curve Cryptography


Ligero Inc. has raised $4M in seed funding,

Session 03 of Proof is in the Pudding

@cryptodavidw breaks down a recent paper on Fiat-Shamir, GKR, and how to prove false statements

PQC Rewind (2024 Edition): Stay Agile, Stay Ahead!


Fine-Grained Complexity in a World without Cryptography

On Quantum Money and Evasive Obfuscation

Bulletproofs for R1CS: Bridging the Completeness-Soundness Gap and a ZK Extension

Fully Asymmetric Anamorphic Homomorphic Encryption from LWE

Towards a White-Box Secure Fiat-Shamir Transformation

(Multi-Input) FE for Randomized Functionalities, Revisited

How to Share an NP Statement or Combiners for Zero-Knowledge Proofs

Privacy-Preserving Multi-Signatures: Generic Techniques and Constructions Without Pairings

Traceable Threshold Encryption without Trusted Dealer

Publicly Verifiable Generalized Secret Sharing and Its Application in Building Decentralized Exchange

Thorough Power Analysis on Falcon Gaussian Samplers and Practical Countermeasure

Efficient NIZK Arguments with Straight-Line Simulation and Extraction

Stronger Security for Threshold Blind Signatures

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