
The Map of ZK

A list of categorised projects pushing the ZK ecosystem further.

Latest ZK Research with Dan Boneh

Anna 采访了斯坦福大学教授 Dan Boneh,探讨了最新的零知识研究,包括基于格的 SNARKs、内容溯源的 ZK、全同态加密(FHE)中的 ZK 应用,以及机器学习中的 ZK 进展等。此外,还提及了多个相关研究工作和论文。

Anna interviews Stanford professor Dan Boneh to discuss the latest zero-knowledge research, including lattice-based SNARKs, ZK for content provenance, ZK in FHE, and advancements in ZK for machine learning. Several related works and papers are also highlighted.

Poseidon Cryptanalysis Initiative 2024-2026

Poseidon 密码分析计划(2024-2026)由以太坊基金会发起,旨在评估 Poseidon 和 Poseidon2 哈希函数的安全性与性能。计划包括赏金计划、攻击奖励、Groebner 基研究、工作坊及短期研究资助,重点关注抵御代数和统计攻击的能力。

The Poseidon Cryptanalysis Initiative (2024-2026), led by the Ethereum Foundation, evaluates the security and performance of Poseidon and Poseidon2 hash functions. It includes bounties, attack rewards, Groebner basis research, workshops, and short-term grants, focusing on resistance to algebraic and statistical attacks.



PQMagic(Post-Quantum Magic)是国内首个支持 FIPS 203 204 205标准 的高性能安全后量子密码算法库,并支持性能更高效的国产自研 PQC 算法 Aigis-Enc、Aigis-Sig(PKC 2020)和 SPHINCS-α(CRYPTO 2023)。 该项目由郁昱教授团队(上海交通大学 、上海期智研究院 )开发和维护,旨在提供自主、可控、安全、高性能的 PQC 算法,以及为后量子密码迁移工作提供解决方案。

Towards Fast Verification: Polynomial Commitments from Lattices by Ngoc Khanh Nguyen

A gentle introduction to functional encryption

A quick history of “precompiles” in zkVMs


How Fast We Can Go: Proving Million Keccak Function Per Second

3 updates about Jolt


On Threshold Signatures from MPC-in-the-Head

Opening the Blackbox: Collision Attacks on Round-Reduced Tip5, Tip4, Tip4' and Monolith

ZK-SNARKs for Ballot Validity: A Feasibility Study

On Efficient Computations of Koblitz Curves over Prime Fields

On Concrete Security Treatment of Signatures Based on Multiple Discrete Logarithms

On Witness Encryption and Laconic Zero-Knowledge Arguments

On White-Box Learning and Public-Key Encryption

Algebraic Zero Knowledge Contingent Payment

EndGame: Field-Agnostic Succinct Blockchain with Arc

An Extended Hierarchy of Security Notions for Threshold Signature Schemes and Automated Analysis of Protocols That Use Them

Orion's Ascent: Accelerating Hash-Based Zero Knowledge Proof on Hardware Platforms

Decentralized FHE Computer

Generic, Fast and Short Proofs for Composite Statements


椭圆曲线密码学与 Typescript 实现

ZK Whiteboard Sessions - S2M5: Small Fields, Binary Fields with Jim Posen

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