
Luca Trevisan (1971-2024)

Luca Trevisan's Cryptography Lecture Notes from CS276, Spring 2009

One of the best learning resources about the Goldreich-Levin theorem, recommended by Prof. Deng Yi.


SoK: Programmable Privacy in Distributed Systems

Abstract Algebra: Theory and Applications

A nice book with examples and programming exercises.

  • http://abstract.ups.edu/aata/aata.html

10 Weeks of Journey into vFHE

Arithmetizing FHE in Circom

Juvix: a language for intent-centric and declarative decentralized applications


Nexus zkVM 1.0

RISC Zero zkVM 1.0: Industry-Leading Performance Benchmarks

Episode 328: ZK on Bitcoin with Alpen Labs

Arkwork v0.5.0-alpha


Eurocrypt 2024 Videos


Fast SNARK-based Non-Interactive Distributed Verifiable Random Function with Ethereum Compatibility

ICICLE v2: Polynomial API for Coding ZK Provers to Run on Specialized Hardware

Volatile and Persistent Memory for zkSNARKs via Algebraic Interactive Proofs

Hadamard Product Arguments and Their Applications

On Knowledge-Soundness of Plonk in ROM from Falsifiable Assumptions

Cross-chain bridges via backwards-compatible SNARKs

Dishonest Majority Multi-Verifier Zero-Knowledge Proofs

zkVoting : Zero-knowledge proof based coercion-resistant and E2E verifiable e-voting system

Relaxed Vector Commitment for Shorter Signatures

Formal Verification of Zero-Knowledge Circuits